Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Learn About Being a Police Officer

Learn About Being a assekuranzpolizze OfficerLearn About Being a Police OfficerPolice officers work in partnership with the public to reduce crime and enforce federal, state and local laws through the legitimate use of force. Job Duties Police officers conduct patrol duties and investigate crimes through gathering evidence and interviewing victims, suspects and witnesses. They also maintain order by directing traffic, conducting arrests, issuing traffic citations, preparing crime reports and responding to incidents of public disorder. Police assist at road-related incidents, collision scenes, and vehicle check points. They also assist in criminal prosecutions and provide deposition and court testimony in criminal cases. Education Police officers must have a minimum of a high school education or its equivalent, and larger departments may require one or two years of college. Federal and State agencies typically require a college degree. Since civil service regulations govern th e appointment of police in most jurisdictions, officers must pass a civil service examination. Officers usually undergo a variety of testing including a physical examination, drug testing and a background check, personality test and/or lie detector test. Officers also usually complete approximately 12 to 14 weeks of training in a regional or state police academy. Skills Police officers interact with witnesses, victims and the public on a daily basis and must possess strong interpersonal skills including social perceptiveness and listening skills. Critical thinking and problem-solving skills are important in analyzing a situation and determining a course of action. Physical agility and strong investigative skills are required for the job as well as life-saving skills such as CPR and first aid. Since police work can be stressful and dangerous, officers must possess courage, stamina and stress management skills. Salary Police salaries range from the low forties to mid-nineties , depending on the size and location of the department and the officers experience level. An officers total compensation frequently exceeds his salary due to overtime pay, which can be significant, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. Police officers often have generous benefits plans, uniform allowances, and pension plans. Job Outlook According to the U.S. Department of Labor, employment of police officers will experience average growth through the year 2014. Competition should remain high due to attractive salaries and benefits, particularly with state and federal agencies. Increased crime and a more security-conscious society should contribute to the increasing demand for police services. Applicants with college training in police science, military police experience, or both should have the best opportunities. Additional Resources National Sheriffs Association Federal Bureau of Investigation Secret Service Recruiting Hiring Coordinating Center Source U.S. Departme nt of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Help Desk Technician Career Advice

Help Desk Technician Career AdviceHelp Desk Technician Career AdviceThe IT industry is on a roll, and help desk technicians have many opportunities to catch the wave. If youre not happy with your present position for any reason - anemic salary, few advancement options, lack of professional development - theres no need to settle for the status quo. Heres some career advice to boost your chances of landing your help desk dream job.Understand industry trendsThree major IT trends that will have an impact on help desk technicians in the near future are mobility, bring your own device or BYOD, and real-time helfende hand.With so many workers using mobile devices (and many of them self-supplied through BYOD policies or in spite of them), help desk professionals are seeing a rapid increase in the number and variety of gadgets they need to support.Businesses are pushing the boundaries of mobile and rechnerwolke computing, but some IT departments and management systems are struggling to keep up. While smartphone and tablet apps are a positive consumer trend, delivering value at a lower cost and with shorter lag times, they can challenge the help desk.When technology allowed more workers to telecommute, help desk professionals found themselves supporting user-supplied equipment. But mobile devices broke the floodgates. Even for companies that do not support employee devices, the mobile market is changing so quickly that it is an effort just to keep up with company-provided mobile devices.One example OS X is no longer a niche operating system (OS). Although Mac desktops and laptops are still more commonly found in education and creative fields, the dominance of iPhones and iPads means help desk professionals need to know both Windows and iOS systems.Real-time support expectations have put an additional burden on help desk professionals. With a user waiting on the other end of a phone, chat window or screen-sharing session, there is a much higher expectation that help des k technicians have the answer on hand. They also need to have outstanding customer service and organizational skills to handle the pressures that a real-time support situation requires.The career advice here is simply for help desk professionals to be flexible and willing to learn. Instead of being resistant to change, see it as an opportunity to add to your tool kit and further your career. Look at what tools consumers and corporations are using, and be prepared to support them.Expand your skillsHelp desk technicians usually enter the field with general computing knowledge and receive further training from their employer. To rise up through the help desk tiers or someday land a leadership position, develop the IT support skills - including the nontechnical variety - that can help set you apart from the crowdExperience with networking protocols and widely used OSsKnowledge of common software and appsFamiliarity with cloud-based platforms on a variety of web browsers and OSsCustome r-focused temperament, including friendliness, courtesy, patience, initiative and a sense of humorProblem-solving skills, such as analyzing a clients situation and researching solutionsExcellent written and verbal communication, especially to explain technical issues without using jargonThe ability to listen with an open mindTier 1 positions call for general troubleshooting and minor triage. To meet the qualifications for upper-tier support jobs, it doesnt hurt to specialize. Some in-demand fields today are mobile, networking, data security, cloud products, healthcare and advanced server hardware.Find out the salary ranges for help desk and desktop support rolesDOWNLOAD THE SALARY GUIDEGet trainingSome additional career advice Take your help desk career to the next level by advancing your education. Youll likely find most employers prefer IT support staff to have at least a two-year technical degree, and relevant certifications are a big plus. Some of the most in-demand credentials are CompTIA A+, CompTIA Network+, Microsoft Certified Professional, HDI and Cisco. If you dont have an associates or bachelors degree, earning one can be a good way to unlock opportunities higher on the job ladder. Some employers offer tuition assistance.Dont miss out on greater job satisfaction and a higher salary in the help desk profession. Our best career advice Whether youre after a promotion, raise or a new position this year, set yourself up for success by attaining the skills, specializations and certifications IT employers want most.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and Employment

Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and EmploymentFair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and EmploymentWhen employers conduct acheck of your hintergrund(including credit, criminal, and past employer checks) using a third party, the hintergrund check is covered by The Fair Credit Reporting Act of 1970 (FCRA). Below, learn more about FCRA, and how it impacts any background checks done by employers. Also read below for more general information about background checks, and your rights as related to background checks. Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) is federal legislation meant to promote fair, accurate, and private background checks and other consumer reports. FCRA oversees the collection and use of consumer credit information. Background Check A background check is a review of someones records. These reports can include credit checks, driving records, criminal background information, and other documents that show a history of the employee. Employers usually, though notlage always, conduct some sort of background check on job seekers through a third party organization and they may not check on all elements of your background. Typically, they only conduct checks on people who are far along in the application process. A background check helps an employer to verify information shared by a job seeker and to uncover any vulnerabilities such as indebtedness or a criminal history that might make it more likely that the candidate would act unethically on the job. Many employers use a third party to conduct a background check. When they do this, they must adhere to FCRA regulations. Below is a list of types of background checks Credit checkEmployment history verificationDrug testsCriminal recordsAcademic history verificationDriving record Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and Employment FCRA shapes the way employers can ask for, receive, and use a background check from a third party. Employers are subject to certain expectations and l aws before reviewing any consumer report in the case of hiring new employees. Before an employer can get a consumer report for employment purposes, they must notify you in writing and get your written consent. If an employer decides not to hire you because of your report, they must give you a pre-adverse action disclosure that includes a copy of the report and a copy of your rights. They must then give you notice that they have decided not to hire you and let you know the name and address of the Consumer Reporting Agency and information on your right to dispute the report. If an employer is asking a third party company to provide an investigative report - a report based on personal interviews concerning a persons character, general reputation, personal characteristics, and lifestyle then they must also tell the applicant or employee of his or her right to a description of the nature and scope of the investigation. A person also has the rights to all records in his or her name and ca n ask the credit reporting agency to disclose their file. He or she can ask for a credit score, dispute inaccuracies or confusion, or seek damage from companies that violate his or her rights. FCRA and State Law While the FCRA is a federal law, many states have their own laws when it comes to consumer reports. As a result, a person may have more rights under state law depending on their jurisdiction. For example, according to court check,New York law states (a) No consumer reporting agency shall report or maintain in the file on a consumer, information (1) relative to an arrest or a criminal dienstgrad unless there has been a criminal conviction for such offense, or unless such charges are still pending. (f) (1) Except as authorized under paragraph two of this subdivision, no consumer reporting agency may make any consumer report containing any of the following items of information. (v) records of conviction of crime which, from date of disposition, release, or parole, antedate the report by more than seven years. Consult the court check site and yourstate department of laborfor information on laws in your location. Illegal Use of Background Checks Employers cannot use background checks to discriminate. Hiring discrimination refers to an employer making a hiring decision based on race, national origin, sex, religion, disability, genetic information, or age. If you suspect a background check by an employer has been used in a discriminatory way, contact theEqual Employment Opportunity Commission(EEOC). Saying No to a Background Check Background checks are becoming more and more common among employers during the job hiring process. While you can say no to a background check, an employer may choose not to hire you because of this. However, if you are asked to fill out information for a background check very early on in the process (such as during an initial interview), and are uncomfortable with that, you could always ask if you could fill out the form after the interview. You can ask to fill it out once you and the employer have both decided whether you are moving forward in the job hiring process. However, keep in mind that the employer could reject that request. Generally, prepare for a number of requests for background searches during your job search process. Preparing for a Background Check Are youready for an employer to check your background? If you are job searching, its a good idea to know about any red flags that might be on your record, so you can plan on how to handle them. The best way to prepare for an employment background checkis to be aware of the information that an employer might find - in advance. Request a free copy of your credit report from a reporting agency so you know its contents. Contact the agency to correct any erroneous information. If you are concerned about other aspects of your background, consider running an online search on your background to anticipate any dicke bretter bohren mssen areas. If you have used drugs in the recent past, review information regarding drug testing to anticipate any issues. You will need to decide whether to preemptively volunteer any information regarding red flags that will show up in a background check. There is no imperative to share information that may detract from your candidacy unless you are directly questioned about that aspect by an employer. If you do decide to explain any issues, you should generally wait until an employer mentions that they are conducting a background check and requests your permission to proceed or at least until you have made a favorable impression through the interview process. Keep your explanations short and focus on how you have made changes to overcome any problems. For example, if your credit score is low but impacted by a spouse and you have subsequently been separated, you might mention those circumstances.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Signs You Should Consider a Voluntary Demotion

Signs You Should Consider a Voluntary DemotionSigns You Should Consider a Voluntary DemotionThe prospect of demotion is a scary one. What will people think? Would I ever be promoted again? Can I live on less money? Sometimes a voluntary demotion is the best thing someone can do personally and professionally. While it isnt always the answer to a tough time at work, there are situations where employees should consider taking a step down the hierarchy. The Work-Life Balance Is Unbearable As you rise through the ranks of a government organization, you have to spend more time working late and attending work-related functions. It just goes with the territory. A city lifeguard clocks out at the end of a shift and doesnt have to think about work until the start of the next shift. The city manager, on the other hand, has city council meetings, emergencies and community events that often happen outside of normal business hours. City staffers at the various management levels have time commi tments along the continuum between the lifeguard and city manager that coincide with those staffers places on the organizational chart. At some point along the way to the top, some people find the time demands of upper-level jobs not worth the trade-offs in their personal lives. These time demands can be perceived by people at lower levels of the organization, but you cant really know how those demands will affect you until youre living through them. If you find yourself constantly sacrificing personal events for working late or making an appearance at a function you dont really want to attend, you may have reached an untenable work-life balance. If you cant stand it any longer, you may want to consider a voluntary demotion. Youre a Poor Fit with the Higher Level Position Sometimes you think youre ready to take the next level job, but once you get there, you find that it exposes your weaknesses. You were a stellar performer at your old job, but this is a whole new set of respons ibilities. Sure, your experience is helpful, but the new job is different. A poor fit with a higher level position happens often when people promote from individual contributor positions to management positions. Individual contributors have to work with other people, but communication challenges take on different characteristics when supervision is involved. Individual contributors may feel like their only way to advance their careers is to take on management responsibilities. Thats one way to advance, but there are other ways to grow professionally like taking on more advanced tasks or exploring opportunities in a related area of the organization. If you feel your talents are put to better use at your old job, you may want to consider going back to that old role or finding a different role that more aligns with your talents. You Had More Fun at a Lower Level Job While your talents may translate to the next level, perhaps you arent having as much fun as you did in your old job. Some people love the challenge of managing at higher levels in an organization, but others dont. Perhaps frontline supervision or an individual contributor role is more fun for you than managing wider and wider arrays of functions. If you were significantly happier in your old job, you may want to look into a voluntary demotion. You cant spend your life in a job you dont like. Stress-related Health Issues The most important asset you have in your career is your health. Without it, you cant do anything. Twelve-hour days and sleepless nights eventually catch up to you. You can maintain this schedule a short time, but you have to crash at some point. It doesnt have to be time demands that get to you. Poor performance can cause severe anxiety, especially for people who are used to exceeding expectations. If you find yourself experiencing stress-related health problems, you probably have a job that is unhealthy for you to hold. Better to get out now before a heart attack takes you ou t later.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

The Ricky Gervais Guide to a Successful Career

The Ricky Gervais Guide to a Successful Career The Ricky Gervais Guide to a Successful Career After Ricky Gervais insulted most of the Hollywood elite at the 2011 Golden Globes, a friend of mine declared His career is over. Hell never work in America again.I understood where he was coming from. After all, Gervais had called Bruce Willis Ashton Kutchers dad, claimed that the President of the Hollywood Foreign Press needed help to use the bathroom, and joked about Robert Downey Jr.s drug problems.But I also knew my friend was wrong. I knew it because Ive followed Gervaiss career for a while now and I know just how smart he is. In watching him, Ive learned some valuable career (and life) lessons and I think you can too.Being true to yourself is the only way to do truly great work.Ricky never tones down what hes doing to avoid offending some people. Nor does he conduct focus groups to find out what his audience wants. He believes in what hes doing, he pours himself 100% into his work, and then he lets the reaction be whatever it is going to be. As a result, lots of us show up each time he puts out something new. We dont know if it will be the best thing hes ever done, but we know it will be interesting and original.The same is true on a smaller scale with careers blogger Penelope Trunk who gives advice that is sometimes brilliant and sometimes a little scary but always completely honest, always unique. As a result, she has a loyal cadre of readers who show up week in and week out.You cant please everyone, but you can please the right people.In Rickys case, the right people are the ones who appreciate his humor and share his worldview. Theyre never offended by his jokes because they understand the intention. They love his work and evangelize it to others. It doesnt matter that some people hate his shows as long as some people love them.The same applies to any kind of creative career the marketer cant make everyone love his product. The designer cant appeal to eve ryone with his websites. The resume writer cant attract the attention of every hiring manager. But if you know your target audience and create work theyll appreciate, youll always be OK.The panzerschrank road is never the most interesting and ultimately isnt the most lucrative.Rickys first big hit was the original UK version of The Office. It ran for only 14 episodes. The safe move would have been to keep going but instead, he called a halt after just two short seasons, and moved on to a new project.Crazy? Not at all. The Office was so original, interesting and appealing that the rights sold in more than 80 countries, generating huge income for Gervais. The same recently happened with his new show Derek which is coming to the US via Netflix on September 12th. (If you have Netflix, give it a shot its genuinely brilliant).If Ricky stuck with safe projects, this global success wouldnt happen. It comes because he constantly takes creative risks.Be generous with your success.We all kno w the employee who is afraid of being outshone. But Gervais knows thats a sure route to mediocrity. Instead he surrounds himself with brilliant people and allows them to step into the limelight. Take Karl Pilkington, who went from being an unknown radio producer to having his own wildly popular TV show simply because Ricky saw his genius and shared it with everyone else.Hes also generous in using his success to help others. One British celebrity, who once suffered a nationally televised nervous breakdown, has credited his career revival to roles in two of Rickys shows.Worrying about how you are perceived doesnt get you anywhere. Worrying about how much value you add does.I cant imagine that Ricky Gervais spends much time worrying about his personal brand. But I do think he takes great care to do the best work he can possibly do. And as a result, he has a reputation so powerful that when I last checked he had over four and half million followers on Twitter.The same applies to you. In stead of worrying about whether you have a strong personal brand, worry about whether youre making a difference. Ask if youre doing work that anyone else cares about. The web designer who creates eye-catching, beautifully constructed sites builds a good reputation (or a personal brand) without ever having to think about it.Its simple but not easy None of this is rocket science, but its also hard advice to follow. Its scary to take creative risks. Its hard sometimes to remember that you cant (and shouldnt) try to please everyone. And its a challenge to always give your very best, even on those days when maybe you dont feel like it.But if I look back over my own career, I can see that my best days were those on which I used one of more of these strategies. And my worst times were those where maybe I skated by a little bit. I bet youd say the same thing.As for Ricky, his career didnt end after the Golden Globes. In fact the opposite happened. His fame increased, he became much more vis ible in the US, and he was even invited back to present the awards the following year.Its amazing what can happen to your career when you truly believe in your work, forget about pleasing everyone, take some risks, share your limelight, and always do the best you possibly can. Maybe we should all try it?Photo by Matt Hobbs via a Creative Commons licenseWant to be notified when we deutsche post dhl new articles like this one? If so, just register your email address here and youll be notified each time.

Friday, December 6, 2019

A History of Graduate School Application Resume Refuted

A History of Graduate School Application Resume Refuted Applications are reviewed on a continuous basis. Applicants should approach prospective recommenders once possible, ideally at least six weeks before the deadline, to make sure they have enough time to finish the letters. They are responsible for complete applications. The Appeal of Graduate School Application Resume Internships supply you with critical expertise in a market, so be certain to include them to demonstrate your abilities and abilities. Teaching Experience in the event that you already have teaching experience under your belt, be certain you list it here. Volunteer experience may also enhance your resume. Some programs may say that no experience is needed to apply, but the truth is that having work or internship experience will offer you an edge. Chronological resumes might best be used whenever your previous experience is directly correlated to the prospect for which youre applying. On the flip side, perh aps you have little in the method of paid job experience but a number of volunteer work on your CV. Since youll discover, even in the event you dont have any prior professional experiences, you may leise draw on your school experiences. Graduate School Application Resume Options While planning your application procedure, identify test dates and the length of time it can take to score effects. In truth, it may make your application stronger in case you concentrate on highlighting your true achievements and steer clear of filler content. The most commonly accepted resume formats are the very best. The intent of a supplemental application is to supply information about you in connection with the specific schools program. Also, compare your resume to the writing instructions (should you have any) to be sure you included everything which is required. Some programs need additional materials like writing samples and portfolios. There are variety of examples and unique forms of Fr ee Resume Templates which can be found which could be downloaded free. Type of Graduate School Application Resume Finding a recommendation from a well-known professor can boost your odds of getting accepted. The new graduate registered nurse without healthcare experience shouldnt be overly concerned about her or his lack of experience for a nurse. Your prospective supervisor is going to be part of the admissions process and has a significant influence on whether you ought to be accepted since they will work with you. A graduate school statement of purpose is helpful in the manner an in-person interview assists the committee makes it admissions decision. Just like the work search, your graduate school application procedure starts long before you truly apply. Such education makes it possible to improve as an individual and as a professional. Students are liable for all expenses connected with their own medical care. fruchtwein high school students have a tendency to submit an a pplication for a food services position. Things You Wont Like About Graduate School Application Resume and Things You Will Graduate admissions faculty members will discover that its simpler to scan. For instance, if you tutored other students as an undergrad and think which will help show you can teach nicely as a graduate assistant, you can incorporate that. Either can demonstrate the dean youre more than only an application. Youre going to observe the very best college application resume on Earth. After you are offered admission to a graduate program and prior to the start of the semester term, youre going to be required to file your official transcripts. If it was for a single semester or less, we dont require a transcript with that institution in the event the grades show up on your undergraduate transcript. You might need to request your transcripts be sent out following your fall grades are calculated into your GPA. An individual must pick a specific sort of Sample Re sumes in Word depending on the necessity for the job, and the skills needed for the job. If you wish to put in an application for a lifeguard position, your resume objective should mention all certifications you have gotten. Examples of Resume are crucial for conveying your abilities and experiences in the finest possible fashion, with precision. The important thing to consider is that youre using your resume to illustrate your experience will assist the school fulfill its mission and desired outcomes. Key skills chance to be work-related skills that you will have to do a job. Great writing skills are always valued so that your language has to be on point. As stated previously, assessing smooth skills is much harder.

Monday, December 2, 2019

What Do Millennials Fear

What Do Millennials Fear Last summer, theINSEAD Emerging Markets Institute(EMI),the HEAD Foundation, andemployerbranding firmUniversumteamed up to conduct what these groups callthe largest independent study ever conducted on millennials. Surveying mora than 16,000 millennials from across the globe,the studydelves into a variety of topics, including millennials fears, hopes, beliefs, and desires. Over the course of the next few weeks, well be exploring the results of this massive survey in a six-part series. parte Twowill focus on the secondpiece in this study,Our Greatest Fears. Last we heard, the millennials were a misunderstood generation. Now, it seems, would be a good time to starttrying to understand them and what better way to do that than delve into their greatest fears?Millennials Dont Fear Their Standards of Living Will Be LowPerhaps youd expect millennials to have bleak outlooks on what their futures may hold. I know I would, given that studies show many of them are earning less than their parents did at the same age. Some research has even said the millennials may be the first generation in modern history to have a lower standard of living than their parents generation had at the same stage of the life cycle.However, according to Universum et al.s findings, 71 percent of millennials worldwide believe they will enjoy a higher standard of living than their parents enjoyed. Is that just wishful thinking?This is very much dependent on geography, says Claes Peyron, CEO of Employer Branding Academy by Universum. If you are a millennial in an emerging market, it is obvious that you will expect to have higher standards of living than your parents.Indeed, millennials in emerging markets were more positive about their futures, according to the study. For example, 85 percent of millennials in Nigeria strongly felt they would have higher standards of living than their parent s have, compared to millennials in Western Europe, only 20 percent of whomstrongly felt they would have higher standards of living than their parents have.Still, that doesnt mean millennials in mature markets overwhelmingly feel they are doomed to lower standards of living than their parents have. According to Peyron, a high proportion of millennials in mature markets also expect to have higher standards of living.I dont think that this necessarily is wishful thinking, but certainly a sign of the positive outlook that the millennials hold in general, Peyron says.What Millennials Do Fear, However, Is StagnationMost of the millennial generations worries center around opportunities for career advancement and development 40 percent said they feared getting stuck with no development opportunities, and 32 percent said they fearedthey wouldnt meet their career goals.Asked if employers should be concerned about millennials career-related fears, Linda Hugod, senior adviser at the Employer Br anding Academy by Universum, answers an emphatic yes.This is an impatient generation where many are looking for continuous development, Hugod says. Employers need to recognize this and have more open and more frequent dialogues with their millennials about their individual goals and dreams and what is required to reach them. Its going to be a lot about communication and flexibility, from both sides.A lot of millennials also fear they will not find careers that match their personalities (32 percent). But, Hugod says, millennials do have the power to find the careers that are right for them.First, get to know yourself, Hugod says. If you are not certain about what your strengths and key personality traits are, ask your friends and family and possibly take a personality test. Once you have clear picture of who you really are and what gets you going, ask employers to describe their cultures. This will allow you to find the right match.Next upPart three sttze Me, But Dont Tell Me What to Do

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

2014 Compensation Trends Focus on Employee Retention

2014 Compensation Trends Focus on Employee Retention2014 Compensation Trends Focus on Employee Retention2014 Compensation Trends Focus on Employee Retention Rodd, PayScaleSurges in growth and hiring have created a growing concern about the retention of top talent, as evidenced in Payscales 2014 Compensation Best Practices Report.The reports findings are based on data collected from mora than 4,700 survey respondents, including human resources professionals, business line and executive managers who share their thoughts on compensation, talent retention, and recruiting.Why Employees LeaveAs companies of all sizes begin to recover from the recession, the smart ones are looking for new innovative ways to get smart about employee performance and compensation structures.In 2013, better compensation was the number one reason employees sought employment elsewhere. As more jobs become available, employees may start to look towards greener pastures, especially if green means more money.2013 In dustry GrowthInformation, media and telecommunications companies showed the fruchtwein development, as reported by 63 percent of respondents from these industries.Interestingly enough, only 51 percent of respondents from the finance and insurance industry reported financial growth as 13 percent saw a decrease in size.Respondents from the healthcare and social service industries are the least confident, and 8 percent expect a decrease in financial performance. Across the board, small and medium sized businesses are growing the most in 2014.A Need to Retain TalentMany companies are feeling optimistic about fiscal performance in 2014, but only if top talent sticks around. Of the companies surveyed in the report, nearly 60 percent listed retention as a top concern. Additionally, 54 percent of businesses plan to hire in 2014, while 88% plan to give raises.The Payscale report also states that small and medium-sized companies are the most optimistic about financial performance many reporte d a need for market-based, real-time salary data 75 percent reported some degree of dissatisfaction with their current data and insights. The job skills gap is also a concern, with half of companies surveyedciting the challenge of filling skilled positions.Industries that experience growth also tend to experience an increased concern in employee retention.Companies are willing to pay more to remain competitive 88 percent of the companies surveyed intend to give raises in 2014. Small companies reported the highest wage increase of 4.9 percent.No matter what your financial outlook, here are some key points to consider as you begin to reevaluate your compensation strategy. If left ignored, you may need to open the doors for new hires.Retention has continued to remain a top concern for many organizations. Even if you arent concerned now, your competitors may be. Additionally, salaries will increase across various industries, so up-to-date data and insights are crucial.While there is sti ll some debate regarding The Fair Minimum Wage Act, 40 percent of companies surveyed are in favor of a $10.10 minimum wage.The majority of respondents, regardless of company size, chose to either maintain or increase their organization size. Larger companies are the most likely to downsize, especially in industries where wage growth is slow.23 percent of respondents indicated their organization grew by 0-5 percent since January 2012, and another 23 percent report growing 6-10 percent.Many respondents indicated that school reputation is less influential when it comes to hiring decisions 40 percent felt experience is more important, while 31 percent value skill set over pedigree.A Gap in Growth and HiringEven with the projected growth, companies are treading cautiously when it comes to expansion and hiring. Half of respondents agree with the statement There is a lack of qualified applicants for our open job positions, indicating that the skills gap is still a big concern for many busi ness leaders.Although there may be a greater demand for in-demand positions, the talent is not necessarily available to hire. Large companies seem to really be feeling the pinch, as 50 percent reported having positions open for six months or more, compared to their small and medium counterparts.Social Mediain theWorkplaceBeyond compensation, social media usage in the workplace is another area where companies are beginning to evaluate employee usage, and recruiting potential.Larger companies are most likely to have a formal social media policy in place, while small and medium-sized companies reported a more relaxed attitude in regards to employee social media access. 61 percent of respondents in PayScales report indicated that social media was an important recruiting tool.Regardless of industry or size, it seems that many companies are looking to grow and expand their workforce in the coming years, with the demand for fresh data being vital to maintaining a strong workforce.Take a lo ok at Payscales 2014 Compensation Best Practices Report to see how your industry performed.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Top Tips and Lessons from Ft. Bragg Resume Writing Class

Top Tips and Lessons from Ft. Bragg Resume Writing ClassTop Tips and Lessons from Ft. Bragg Resume Writing ClassTop Tips and Lessons from Ft. Bragg Resume Writing Class TOP TIPS AND LESSONS LEARNED FROM FEDERAL RESUME WRITING CLASS AT THE HIRING OUR HEROES TRANSITION SUMMIT, FT. BRAGG, APRIL 26, 2017By Kathryn Troutman, President, Resume Place, Inc.Left to Right Daniel Serrano, Ten Steps Trainer Kathryn Troutman andCecelia Wallace, Director, Army Community Services Center, Ft. Bragg, NCI got to the Iron Mike Conference Center early and three people came in. I thought, Oh no, I flew here from Baltimore for ten people? Dreaded speakers thinking The place was pretty empty-looking at 830. Class starting time was 900. This was the ONLY class on Federal Resume Writing. There would be three more Federal Employment classes by OPM later in the day. I brought 50 copies of my latest Jobseekers Guides (8th edition) in case 50 soldiers showed up.Then at 845, they started to come in fast By 900 there were 80 soldiers in the room, standing room only GREATSo, I began Step 6, Writing Your Outline Format Federal ResumeThe BIG Lesson for the 45-minute session was this++++ The Outline Format Federal Resume is the BEST Possible Format for USAJOBS and Federal Human Resources Specialists and Managers ++++The features of this easy-to-read, impressive federal resume format areReverse chronological resume format.Small paragraphs (8 or 10 lines long) for the Duties and Responsibilities section.Use the USAJOBS Resume Builder Job Block for the last 2 or 3 positions 5,000 characters for each jobFour or five pages total length.A few selected ALL-CAP KEYWORDS that match the Required Qualifications section of the job announcement.At least two or three Key Accomplishments that will stand out and grab the attention of the human resources (generalist) specialist, to help him or her understand how good you are at your job. Hopefully these accomplishments can help you get REFERRED to a supe rvisor. These same accomplishments could make the supervisor want to MEET you in a job interview Thats why accomplishments are so critical in the Grand Plan to get a federal job interview.EASY to copy and paste into the USAJOBS BUILDER (The best method for a beginner federal applicant to use is the USAJOBS Resume Builder, not the Upload feature.)OTHER IMPORTANT FEDERAL APPLICATION TIPS COVERED IN THE 45 MINUTE PRESENTATION Use of the USAJOBS BUILDER, rather than the Upload, is recommended. The Upload is downright dangerous, because you might leave out critical information that the builder will be asking for.Give yourself all the credit that you can in the Questionnaire. You should strive for a score of 95% at least.Apply to U.S. Citizen announcements as much as possible, because veterans preference is applied to those types of announcements. The Federal Employee announcements are great also, but veterans preference is applied to U.S. Citizen announcements.Prepare for the federal job interview with five stories about your work within the last five years. Recent is betterTHE JOBSEEKERS GUIDE 8TH EDITIONAND TEN STEPS TO A FEDERAL JOBThe Jobseekers Guide 8th Edition is your guide to a federal job. This is a Ten Steps to a Federal Job book, and it takes you through the steps of landing a federal jobStep 1 Review the Federal Job Process learn what federal job is right for youStep 2 Networking and Non-Competitive Hiring Networking Veterans ProgramsStep 3 Find Jobs on USAJOBSStep 4 Find Your Keywords in the AnnouncementsStep 5 What are your best core competencies?Step 6 Write the Outline Format Federal Resume COVERED IN MY CLASSStep 7 KSAs, Questionnaires and AccomplishmentsStep 8 Apply for Federal Jobs Hot TipsStep 9 How to Track and Follow Up on your ApplicationsStep 10 Interview for a Federal Job this is a TESTTen Steps to a Federal Job is taught bi-monthly at the ACS office at Ft. Bragg. See the schedule and register for classes hereGET HELP WITH YOUR FEDERAL RESUMETARGETED TOWARD unterstellung TYPES OF POSITIONSGET A FEDERAL RESUME QUOTEGet your own copy of theJobseekers Guide

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Henry Bessemer

Henry Bessemer Henry Bessemer Henry BessemerAt the time of his death in 1898, Sir Henry Bessemer the father of the steel industry had 100 British patents, a small fortune, and a knighthood to his credit. But were it not for the probing questions of his fianc, he might have remained an anonymous bureaucrat and our world might still be built of cast iron.Bessemers famous one-step process for producing cheap, high-quality steel made it possible for engineers to envision transcontinental railroads, sky-scraping office towers, bay-spanning bridges, unsinkable ships, and mass-produced horseless carriages. In the U.S., where natural resources and risk-taking investors were abundant, giant Bessemer steel mills sprung up to drive the expanding nations rise as a dominant world economic and industrial leader.Bessemer was born in 1813 in Charlton, Hertfordshire, England. His inventive ways manifested themselves early, and his earliest innovations were focused on the family geschftliches mitein ander of typography and printing. His father, a metallurgist, showed young Henry his innovative techniques for making lead type harder and longer lasting by adding other ingredients to the molten metal.Relocating to London at age 17, Bessemer earned a living selling decorative metal objects. In those days, forgery and the falsification of Britains official authorization stamp for documents such as property deeds was rampant. Recognizing the lost revenues tied to this problem, the British Stamp Office was receptive when the ever-inventive Bessemer came forth with a novel forgery-proof printing technology. He developed a unique press that embossed official stamps into the fibers of official paper documents. The Stamp Office loved the idea and, although Bessemer received nothing for the invention, he was offered the position of Superintendent of Stamps.His fianc was thrilled at the promise of a steady income and marriage. But, she posited, wouldnt it be cheaper just to modify the gover nments existing stamp to include a date? As it turned out, Bessemers wife-to-be was on to something. He took the simpler idea to his boss, who appropriated the idea and rewarded Bessemer with a pink slip. It was a teachable moment and Bessemer never again left anything to chance in safeguarding his intellectual property rights.Molten steel being poured.Case in point In Bessemers time, there was a large demand for ornate picture frames and other decorative objects with the metallic luster of gold. German paint companies had long concealed their secret methods for producing metallic paint, and their monopoly created artificially high prices for objects painted to resemble gold. Bessemers friends in the print-making industry enlisted him to use his metallurgical know-how to create inexpensive metallic paints. Bessemer developed a machine that created an inexpensive bronze dust that could be added to paint to create the desired glittery effect at a fraction of the price. Bessemer kept h is machine designs under wraps for decades and plowed his profits into building a brass foundry in London. There, he learned to create the raw materials that would shrink the modern world.In the wake of the Crimean War in the 1850s, Bessemer was working on the problem of how to create more durable cannons for the British navy. Cannons were traditionally made of cast iron, but that material was proving unsuitable for use in the new, rifle-style generation of guns that fired spinning balls through a grooved barrel. High pressures frequently caused the guns to explode, killing nearby crewmembers.Steel was the obvious choice of metal to replace cast iron. Yet it was only producible in small batches, and the extremely high temperatures required to burn off impurities such as excess carbon required large amounts of costly fuels.In 1856, Bessemer was studying the brief but spectacular display achieved when air was blown across a mass of molten iron. As he examined the hardened product of h is experiments, he realized he had created a new form of steel using the cheapest commodity around oxygen.The underlying chemistry and physics of the process were not understood at the time, but he realized that the blast of compressed air burned out impurities in the liquefied iron such as excess carbon. As he refined the process, Bessemer found that his steel was lighter and easier to shape than traditionally made metals, and that he could produce far greater quantities of it at a rate 10 times faster.However, when other foundries tried to duplicate Bessemers process they failed miserably. Bessemer soon realized that his experiments had used iron that was free of phosphorus, whereas the plants in other parts of England depended on iron with much higher phosphorus content.Although the phosphorus problem limited the initial acceptance of the Bessemer process, it gave the inventor a unique opportunity to corner the steel market by opening his own foundry in the north of England where phosphorus-free ore was plentiful. Eventually, other metallurgists learned to address the phosphorus problem, and his patented method began to take off in both England and, under license, in the U.S. The effects of Bessemer steel on the industrialized world were profound beyond calculation.Bessemer became even wealthier in the wake of this success, but for most of his life, he harbored resentment of his treatment by the Stamp Office decades before. In his later years, he sought compensation for the governments appropriation of his anti-forgery innovations. Instead, the government arranged for an honorary knighthood and the title of Sir Henry Bessemer in honor of his lifetime achievements.Michael MacRae is an independent writer.The effects of Bessemer steel on the industrialized world were profound beyond calculation.